Candidate Site Assessment Methodology Consultation

Ended on the 10 October 2022

7. Deposit Plan – Final Site Selection Stage

7.0.1 The detailed site assessment stage will be used to filter out Candidate Sites that are unable to demonstrate sustainability, deliverability and viability. The sites left within the process will be carefully considered to determine which are best suited to be the allocations in the Replacement LDP.

7.0.2 In addition to the detailed site assessment, consideration will be given as to how sites perform against the site assessment within the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) framework (Appendix 1). The ISA site assessment will determine if a site has varying scales of positive or negative (or negligible) impacts in the context of its environment and in relation to each of the Objectives of the ISA.

7.0.3 Where there are multiple sustainable, deliverable and viable sites to select from within a settlement, consideration will also be given to representations made on the Candidate Sites Register (made at the time of the Replacement LDP Preferred Strategy consultation), in some instances further stakeholder feedback maybe sought. The most suited and preferred sites will be shown on inset maps in the Deposit Plan which will be available for consultation February to March 2024.

7.0.4 The consultation on the Deposit Replacement LDP will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to comment on the allocated sites. Representations can be submitted to request an amendment to the boundaries of an allocation, to propose the deletion of a site, or for the addition of new sites. Any new sites proposed in response to the Deposit consultation stage will be required to submit an ISA based on the LPA's framework, consideration should also be given as to how the site accords with the Candidate Site assessment methodology.

7.0.5 In preparation for the Examination Welsh Government guidance recommends that the LPA should have a prioritised list of potential reserve sites which could be substituted as alternatives (to the allocated sites shown in the Deposit Plan) and added to the plan, should additional sites be required following consideration of the plan through the formal hearing sessions at the Examination in Public. Reserve sites are not allocations, they are sites that the LPA considers suitable and deliverable in relation to the strategy but has not included them within the Deposit Replacement LDP. Sites that have been able to demonstrate sustainability, deliverability and viability through the detailed site assessment but have not been selected to be an allocation in the Replacement LDP (due to a more favourable site being selected) may be selected as a 'Reserve Site'. All relevant key stakeholders will be informed of any reserve sites and will have the opportunity to make comments.


For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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